Contradictions in the quran answering islam pdf

This means that when there is a contradiction in the quran, the later verses cancel out. Islam is one of the worlds fasted growing religions. The quran is by definition replete with contradictions because of the hermeneutical doctrine of abrogation nasikh wa mansukh which basically means that allah gave a revelation to the prophet at one time and then later retracted that revelatio. We will allude to each specific contradiction and proceed to give our response. Quran contradictions occur when two or more verses, approached from a literalist perspective, state two or more things that cannot simultaneously be true. Quran contradictions are internal errors errors in relating the quran to itself, not external errors. So when the question comes up did allah have a son. Contradictions in the quran answering christianity what is.

So this verse is also saying, that people with knowledge will know that the quran is from god even the unspecific verses and that people of understanding can truly grasp the meaning of the unspecific verses. There are three basic categories of contradictions in the quran. The primary source of the missionaries argument is here before we deal with the socalled contradictions in the quran, especially the internal contradictions, it is important to determine the correct methodology for the understanding of the quran. Logical consistency no contradictions within the quran. Every thing is created to worship god and to serve him in. Contradictions by nameby bookin the biblein the book of mormonsaq db forum. Errors, contradictions, and quran page 4 christianity. Look, my whole point of this is that i am tired of hearing how every other religious book out there is wrong and has lies but the quran is perfect i see that no one stepped up to defend some of the other things that i postedlike this these arent errors, ill get back to those in a minute. What if a muslim kills muslim in the name of allah apart from nonmuslims. Answering islam 01 has the quran been perfectly preserved. The quran is viewed to be the scriptural foundation of islam and is believed by muslims to have.

Yusuf alis translation renders take reminderadmonition correction to be grasp the message. Verses contradicting the earlier revelations further. The most sensitive issue with the quran concerns errors. Contradictions within the quran do they not consider the quran.

In any case we christians see in this whole subject just a theological gimmick to explain contradictions. Verses contradicting each other or the laws of logic external errors2. Islam follows from both judaism and christianity, building upon them, absorbing jesus into the quran, but not his divinity. The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication, flog them each with a hundred stripes. Avoid copying the mushaf and recitation of this man. They will grow on its banks, as a seed carried by the torrent grows.

Aug 01, 2002 answering islam evaluates the claims of orthodox islam from a christian point of view, appealing especially to the quran and the bible. Had it been from anyone besides allah, there would have been many contradictions. Below is a list of several authoritative verses in the quran and the hadith that are contradictory. Answering islam s critics is shabir allys new page in response to the quran contradictions. Replies to the claims of contradictions in the quran. The book is written for all christians, whether you just want an introduction to islam, or want ideas for christianmuslim dialogue. There are many reasons of much more substantial nature why we do not believe the quran to be from the one true god. Contradictions between muslim traditions and the quran other web web sites with pages on errors, contradictions or problems in the quran.

The way i see it, unless islam undergoes the kind of intellectual and moral purification that christianity had undergone. Introduction the quran, with its many ambiguous statements, is an ideal scripture to find contradictions. The quran teaches that the people who are sent either to hell or to paradise will remain there forever. A strength of the book is that, for the first half, it does not require you to remember lots of details about islam but instead shows how the bible and christian doctrine speak to islam. The errors in the quran disqualify the quran as the word of god, who is perfect and does not make errors. But what do people do to come to this conclusion, is reading out of context etc. This list, much like my list of bible contradictions, is evergrowing.

Christianity followed suit, and embraced the idea of original sin. If the quran is a perfect book from allah, then there shouldnt be any contradictions in it. Samples of quranic contradictions, inconsistencies and errors. A christian missionary website contains a list of what are claimed to be internal contradictions in the quran. The purpose of this site the purpose of this site is to mention that there are no contradictions in quran.

The quran states that it is a perfect book preserved on tablets in heaven surah 85. Readers may access this list at here is a reply to each item of katzs list. The new testament confirms the apocalypse revelation in greek of peter which claims that jesus never died on the cross. Answering islam 0115 are there contradictions in the quran. The purpose of this site is to mention that quran is the book of allah.

A viewers asks people say quran has contradictions, i know it doesnt. The criticisms of the translation and commentary of the holy quran, made by. Answering islam, a christianmuslim dialog and apologetic. Then after that the sons of adam became numerous, and they were created from water, meaning the mans semen which contains the sperm that fertilizes the womans egg. But, is it a religion of peace, violence, or a little of both. Contradictions in the quran answering islam home page. When asking this question, you should consider the context of the quran. We shall study in this chapter the contradictions between the quran, the basic and unique source of islam, and the fabricated hadiths. Some of the contradictions mentioned below might have already appeared on other web sites with slight variations. Refuting contradictions in quran questions and answers. Muhammad taught that there is one god, no trinity, jesus was not crucified, and that good works are needed for salvation.

The following are a list of the issues raised and their answers. A version of this page is also available in the following languages. Anyone of you can check it that nothing about the descent of prophet adam a. Had it been from other than allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancies. Christians believe that jesus christ was the son of god allah. Answering has the new testament been corrupted answering the quran says bible is not corrupt answering more questions for muslims. Contradictions in the quran answering christianity what. No change can there be in the words of allah and there is none that can alter the words of allah. When we look at the word contradiction, lets gain an understanding of it before moving forward. Jan 31, 2009 perhaps you feel that way because it is ingrained in muslims from the time they go to school or even before then that the quran is perfect. Responses to all of the socalled errors in the noble quran. But the quran also has archaeological errors, historical errors, errors in logic and even elementary mathematics. After all, how do i know that at any time, he isnt currently deceiving me. Many of the errors in the quran are self contradictions that naskh tries to cover up.

Regarding islam the quran says in surah nisa, chapter 4, verse no. Islamic responses to answering islams and all of the other antiislamic sites. This section is devoted to exposing the false claims of contradiction in the quran, as has been circulated on various antiquranic sites. But quran also has historical and archaeological errors, as well as errors in mathematics and logic. If heaven and earth are eternal according to islam, these verses imply that the. Contradictions between muslim traditions and the quran. Zakir naik on bible contradictions the following is a list of biblical contradictions that were used by dr. As for the claim that the quran is scientifically wrong, i also suggest you read what jochen has referenced. Answers to contradictions in the quran muslim answers. There is a great website that deals with refuting contradictions in the quran, i suggest you visit if you are ever in doubt. Moreover, the quran contains many contradictions and mistakes, both in terms of modern physical and medical knowledge and in terms of its references to biblical characters and events, e. Sahih albokhary, the conquest chapter, converse number 4000. Now let us have a closer look at this specific story.

Islam, much like christianity and the torah, is not immune from contradicting itself. Textual integrity todays text is exactly the same as recited by muhammad. The list contains fortynine numbered items authored by jochen katz. Keep the musahif that are with you, and conceal them. I have seen some of the websites too and have looked in my own copy of the quran to make sure the passages are correct and there are numerous contradictions. When i accepted islam he was but in the loins of a disbelieving manmeaning zaid bin thabitand it was regarding this that abdullah bin masud said. Plenty of evidence shows that the early muslims understood the verse in this straightforward way. Having just written a response to only the first entry above, he already claims they are all invalid. But that leaves open the question, could allah have a son. Verses contradicting the facts of history or science 3. The quran is the muslims holy book and it contains a wide variety of topics.

Contradictions by nameby book in the bible in the book of mormonsaq db forum. The quran an evaluation of the muslim claims before criticizing any book, one should read it and get to know it. The purpose of this site is to mention that there are no contradictions in quran. This testimony about god given in the quran doesnt inspire much confidence in this god and his revelations. This verse is further amplified by the already quoted texts. Of course, the muslims will deny any contradictions exist in the quran, but they do. In the last contradiction we were already looking at idol worship and the golden calf was mentioned in sura 4.

Answering islams critics is shabir allys new page in response to the quran contradictions. Firstly, quran says it is for confirming the earlier revelations in the torah and the gospel but did not say it is replacing nor correcting the gospel. Some of the errors in the quran are selfcontradictions that naskh tries to bridge. No change can there be in the words of allah sura 10. My reasons why i quit islam forever i was born in a devout muslim family belonging to sunni sect of islam. Its all done in the name of allah, quran and islam. There are already many articles available on wikiislam about contradictions and errors in the quran concerning logic, history, mathematics, cosmology and many more subjects. Muslims claim the quran is infallible and errorfree, while others claim the quran has errors. A guide to quranic contradictions by abul kasem, april 20, 2008. Contradictions in the quran sinandcompositescriptures. Oct 28, 2017 muslims are convinced that the quran is free from error, but you wont believe how easy it is to find contradictions in it. Tafseer books are books that were written by scholars of islam to explain the meanings of the verses of the quran.

Contradictions in the quran answering christianity. The purpose of this site is to mention that quran is the book of allah the site is in response to the 101 contradictions in quran. And is there a contradiction in the noble quran regarding idol gods not being able to create and jesus christ. Muslims are convinced that the quran is free from error, but you wont believe how easy it is to find contradictions in it. The muslim claims about the quran concentrate around the topics of textual integrity todays text is exactly the same as recited by muhammad logical consistency no contradictions within the quran. The internal contradiction in the quran is too obvious that it is not from gabriel nor from allah sura 4. It abounds in repetitions and contradictions, which are not removed by the convenient. Mar 20, 20 the quran s claim that the buildings carved out of rock were made by the thamud during the time of salih is false they were also tombs, not houses as muhammad and the author of the quran evidently believed the quran, in 7. Contradictions weak points in the quran there is a religious islamic troll that i am currently arguing with, while maintaining sanity of course. Contradictions and errors a hub page that leads to other articles related to contradictions and errors. Islam came in africa peacefully while christianity was imposed on africans by the white colonists who colonized africa, there is no a single contradiction in the quran, while there are numerous and uncountable contradictions in the manmade bible. Posts about quran contradictions written by rayan zehn. When we observe the fatal consequences of the adoption of the hadiths as a source of religion, we shall see better the importance of going back to the quran. A topical study of the quran is a helpful starting point to get an overview on its major topics.

That is, we all deserve punishment simply for being human, until such a time as we. Contradictions in the quran the purpose of this page we do not reject the quran because of this list of contradictions. Read morecontradictions in the quran answering christianity. Christianity, islam, answering christianity, answering islam, islam, allah, muhammad, jesus, christianity, christ, quran, quran, koran. The answers are based mainly on tafseer books and basic logic. I come from an islamic country but currently i live in a western country. Some of the errors in the quran are self contradictions that naskh tries to bridge. Contradictions in the quraan answering christianity.

For the muslim, the seemingly contradictory actions of god are not problematic. For example, the quran states that one night, allah took muhammad to alaqsa mosque in jerusalem. During my university study, one of my subjects was islamic studies. And no question do they bring to you but we reveal to you the truth and the best explanation quran 25. Some of the contradictions below could be debated, but some of them are clearly contradictions. Contrary to the muslim claim that the koran is perfect and free from contradiction, the koran is not only a bundle of contradictions, but a volume of confusion. The quran, with its many ambiguous statements, is an ideal scripture to find contradictions. It will thus be within the reach of a greater number of people, so that benefiting by it they may acquire the understanding of the teachings of the holy quran. Already hast thou received some account of those apostles. Contradictions in the quraan 2 created the earth in two days, and set up others like him. Zakir naik on bible contradictions answering islam. Answering contradictions in quran christian apologetics.

There is a huge difference in meaning between these two phrases which jochen uses. This is the fifteenth video of our answering islam series, where. Other web web sites with pages on errors, contradictions or problems in the quran. Contradictions difficulties in the quran answering islam. This page is only about the topic of errors and contradictions in the bible.

Apr 23, 2012 quran, which was the original reference for the quran, as recited by muhammad, that quran was destroyed and mutilated by marawan ibn alhakam and he demolished it completely those historical events were mentioned in the following references. Again, we must ask why an allknowing being would use such. Answering islams complete list of the socalled contradictions in the noble quran had. There are many more questions and issues to be discussed, about history, archeology, authenticity, textual integrity, interpretation of passages, etc. Contradictions in the new testament that have no good answer. Muslims believe that allah revealed a book to each of abraham, moses, david and jesus. Contact us if you have any comments or suggestions by clicking here.

Refutation of the socalled contradictions in the quran. He made it firmly anchored mountains above it and blessed it and decreed that it contain the amount of food it provides, all in four days, equally for those asking for those who ask. It can be shown throughout the research that the bulk of the accusations are a product of either poor understanding of the quranic words and verses, or on the reliance on. By a new convert to islam the answer to answering islam on bible contradictions. Mistakes in the quran which prove islam is false part i. There is no contradiction in the verses of the quran, as is quite clear to any rational person who thinks and reflects. Contradictions in the quran more contradictions in the quran, answering islam. At the same time, its ambiguity provides a good opportunity for muslims to find some explanation or the other to negate a contradiction. Indeed, those who believed and those who were jews or christians or sabeans before prophet muhammad those among them who believed in allah and the last day and did righteousness will have their reward with their lord, and no fear will ther. The last verse of the quran that it was not mumin salih, islam watch, september 27, 2009. For additional languages, see the sidebar on the left. Detailed rebuttals to the so called errors in the noble quran.

Answering contradictions in quran answering muhammad s. The authors, a christian apologist and a former muslim, provide apologetic answers to prepare christians for ministry in the islamic context. However, the quran is not an easy book to understand. Dec 04, 2008 list of 70 discrepancies of both internal and external contradictions in quran. I like christians,i appreciate their politeness,and you will never find me harsh regarding them,and so the post is also for defending islam,never to accuse christanity. Jun 05, 2019 the way i see it, unless islam undergoes the kind of intellectual and moral purification that christianity had undergone. That is, we all deserve punishment simply for being human, until such a time as we are saved, if we ever are. In this article, however, we would like to describe a quite different kind of weakness of the quran which we will refer to as a lack of theological professionalism.

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